Collection of hemolymph from American lobster
Clinical biochemistry analysis uses changes in the levels of electrolytes, minerals, metabolites and/or enzymes in the blood to help understand normal physiologic processes and assess responses to physiologic or pathologic stressors.
In American lobsters (Homarus americanus) and snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio), biochemistry profiles have be used to: study the physiologic effects of shipping; detect increased enzyme activity after release from damaged tissues; and, show correlation of certain parameters with hepatopancreas lipid stores.
Hemolymph is readily collected from most crustaceans and molluscs. Up to 23 parameters can be measured in a 1.0 mL sample when using automated ‘wet chemistry’ analysers.
Sample Types:
fresh or frozen hemolymph plasma
Intracellular urate crystals in American lobster.
Cytology complements classic histologic evaluation of tissue and provides a means to evaluate fluid samples.
With cytology, cellular detail is often more defined. Infectious agents such as bacteria and parasites are usually more readily identified than in histology preparations when present in low numbers. When required, special stains (Gram, PAS, acid-fast, etc.) can also be used.
Samples are easy to prepare – tissue imprints are made on glass slides and left to air dry, without fixation. Small drops of fluid samples can be similarly prepared. Samples are quickly stained (minutes) with a Romanowsky stain and examined microscopically.
Sample Types:
unstained or stained slides
Muscle necrosis (Mushy Tail) in American lobster.
Hematoxylin & eosin (H&E) staining remains the mainstay for fixed tissue evaluation.
Histology provides information about tissue architecture which is unavailable when tissues are examined using cytology.
Sample Types:
stained or unstained slides; paraffin blocks;
fixed tissues in cassettes
To maximise the information obtained from your samples, please contact us prior to sample collection and submission whenever possible.
We can also provide assistance with project design, evaluation and reporting.
Box 682 , Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada C1A 7L3
Telephone: (+1) 902.330.6878
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